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AGYLE – African German Young Leaders in Business

80 outstanding personalities from Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda and Tunisia, as well as from Germany are a part of the "AGYLE - African German Young Leaders in Business" leadership programme already. At the end of September, all alumni came together in Berlin for the first time to attend AGYLE Berlin Week.

Land of Ideas

Germany’s image is shaped by a number of economic, geographic and cultural factors. Like any location, however, it is primarily defined by its people. The people of Germany, their ideas, and their activities are the bedrock of its society and provide cohesion. The ‘Germany – Land of Ideas’ initiative provides a platform for them.

Map Data © 2017 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (© 2009), Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional


The ‘Germany – Land of Ideas’ initiative has teamed up with various partners to launch projects that pursue a common goal: to enhance Germany’s international visibility as a hub of ideas and innovation, of quality and creativity – in short, a place that is helping to shape the future in a positive way.

»🤝 Welcome to AGYLE, Leon Jaeger!
Leon is a forward-thinking advocate for the circular economy on a global scale. As team leader for international consulting project management at Rodiek & Co. GmbH, he promotes the circular economy ♻️ by transferring knowledge and experience from waste management and recycling in Germany to other countries and industries. We are delighted that she is part of the new cohort of the AGYLE Leadership Program! ...«
