ABIDA – interdisciplinary big data research
Carefully examining mountains of data
Scientists from different disciplines test the effects of Big Data together with citizens
The global volume of data is growing and is evaluated using increasingly complex algorithms. What does that mean for each individual? Researchers are investigating this question in the interdisciplinary project ABIDA (Assessing Big Data). The participants include scientists from the fields of ethics, sociology, economics, law, and political science, as well as laypeople. Other facilities on campus are also incorporated, including the art academy, the technical college, and the business informatics department. The analyses make use of results from public congresses, citizens' conferences, and a survey. Thus opportunities and risks of Big Data are elucidated from various perspectives - something no algorithm can do.
Ausgezeichnete Orte 2016
Institut für Informations-, Telekommunikations- und Medienrecht an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Leonardo-Campus 9
48149 Münster