QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/project/alma-integrative-network-for-agriculture-328

Alma – integrative network for agriculture

Want to become a farmer? No problem!

An organisation supports employees with handicaps in agriculture

Feeding cows, cultivating fields, harvesting fruits: many handicapped people want to work on farms. And many farmers are looking for motivated workers. An organization in the town of Verden is bringing them together and advancing them together. The volunteer members of the organization train handicapped people for farm work and give farmers, their families, and social institutions advice about work models, subsidies and grants. The goal is to create jobs in structurally weak regions across Germany and to integrate handicapped people into working life.

Ausgezeichnete Orte 2014

alma e.V. : Arbeitsfeld Landwirtschaft mit allen - für Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung

Artilleriestraße 6
27283 Verden(Aller)
