QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/project/bewegtes-licht-intelligent-street-lighting-519

“Bewegtes Licht“ intelligent street lighting

Lighting up for cyclists

Dimmed lamps that light up brightly when people walk or ride past help municipalities save electricity

Illuminating rural paths rarely taken at night entails high energy consumption and costs for municipalities. In addition, the light can make it hard for residents to sleep at night. In pilot projects in the towns of Königsbrunn and Friedberg in the German state of Bavaria, the energy provider Lechwerke and a luminaire company installed LED systems on a cycling and walking trail. A sensor registers approaching people, makes the dimmed light brighter, and sends a signal to the next lamp. After a programmed time period, the lights dim again. The result: safe rural paths using up to 70 per cent less electricity.

Ausgezeichnete Orte 2014

Lechwerke AG

Schaezlerstraße 3
86150 Augsburg
