QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/project/clean-peptide-technology-environmentally-friendly-peptide-production-3801

Clean Peptide Technology – environmentally friendly peptide production

Fluoreszenzeigenschaften des neuen Bausteins in Wasser
Christina Uth

Water is the solution

A novel process makes it possible to produce peptide molecules without harmful solvents

Synthetic peptides are often used as active ingredients in cosmetics, therapeutic agents and food supplements. However, their production involving toxic organic solvents is expensive and damages the environment and human health. The start-up Sulfotools has now developed a process that allows for completely replacing these solvents with water, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions and hazardous waste, as well as the cost of materials and waste disposal. An innovation that reconciles ecology and economy – and thus benefits the general public as well as chemical companies by clearing the path to environmentally compatible production.

Ausgezeichnete Orte 2018

Sulfotools GmbH

c/o Alarich-Weiss-Str. 4
64287 Darmstadt

