QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/project/heyfair-rethinking-hygiene-3804

Heyfair – Rethinking hygiene

Die Händehygiene neu erfunden: Kurzzeitig sichtbares Händedesinfektionsmittel.
Heyfair GmbH

Hygiene made visible

A new disinfectant prevents infections by improving hygiene in hospitals

Each year, hundreds of thousands of people become infected with dangerous germs while they are in hospital – one reason meticulous hand hygiene is a top priority for medical personnel. But it is almost impossible to check whether every centimetre of skin has been sufficiently disinfected. Now, the start-up Heyfair makes hygiene visible: its new disinfectant stains the skin, and disappears completely shortly afterwards. The colouring clearly shows which areas are disinfected – and which aren’t. The colour intensity indicates the degree of the germicidal effect, so everyone can immediately check whether their hands are thoroughly disinfected. A project that will help to prevent infections in future.

Ausgezeichnete Orte 2018

Heyfair GmbH

Winzerlaer Straße 2
07745 Jena

