Medicine par excellence – mentors for budding country doctors
Antidote to a shortage of young doctors
Country doctor mentors fuel students’ enthusiasm for the medical profession far from cities
The number of family doctors in rural areas of Germany is on the wane. To remedy the situation, Halle-Wittenberg University has launched a new programme for medical students. What is unique about the programme is that medical students are assigned a mentor at the beginning of their studies who is a general practitioner in a rural region. The students learn from their mentors and gather work experience in the latter’s office. As a result, they become acquainted with everyday medical work at an early stage and benefit from the experience of the older doctor. The goal is to prepare and motivate more young people to become country doctors, a profession that has lost its appeal in recent years.
Ausgezeichnete Orte 2014
Sektion Allgemeinmedizin der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Magdeburgerstraße 8
06112 Halle/ Saale