OSTEOLABS – research initiative for osteporosis treatment
Investigating biomarkers
Physicians and oceanographers have joined forces to a develop a new method of recognising osteoporosis at an early stage
Human bones lose firmness and become brittle: it is usually older people who are diagnosed as having osteoporosis. Those in charge of the research initiative OSTELABS call the disease a "hostage of our society" and have provided an innovative approach whereby osteoporosis can be recognised in urine using biomarkers - without surgery or X-rays and thus a hundred times faster than has been the case so far. What is special is that the method was developed by oceanographers and doctors in collusion. The technology transfer should help improve the quality of life of older people and reduce health costs.
Ausgezeichnete Orte 2017
GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Wischhofstr. 1-3
24148 Kiel