Research factory for resource-efficient production
Ideas as a raw material for the future
In a research factory, experts develop new technologies for conserving resources and implement them with partners
Increasingly, cities have to deal with raw-material shortages. A research factory called Resource-Efficient Production is providing help. The researchers and developers there work under the premise that companies need competitive manufacturing that uses raw materials economically or refrains from using them altogether. They test new technologies with partners from business to see if they are practicable. The vision of the experts in Chemnitz: a factory that largely supplies its own energy and does not emit harmful pollutants – thus becoming Germany´s production technology export hit.
Ausgezeichnete Orte 2013
Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU
Reichenhainer Straße 88
09126 Chemnitz