Wendelstein 7-X: fusion research for the power plant of the future
Do it like the sun
Researchers are working on a power plant in which hydrogen plasma fusion will produce clean energy
The sun generates energy by melting atomic nuclei. In Greifswald, scientists are researching how technology can emulate this process. Wendelstein 7-X is the name of the fusion plant for hydrogen plasma there, the most advanced of its kind worldwide. The core of the research facility is a heat-insulating magnetic field in which the hot plasma is enclosed. As a result, the plasma does not come into contact with the cold walls. Scientists, engineers, and technicians from all over Europe are working together on the plant. Their objective: to generate clean energy from nearly unlimited stocks with no harmful emissions or long-lived radioactive waste.
Ausgezeichnete Orte 2016
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald
Wendelsteinstraße 1
17491 Greifswald