“Werde WELTfairÄnderer” educational project
Workshops for do-gooders
In games and campaigns, children and youth in rural regions learn how to act sustainably
First the “WELTfairÄnderer” went from schoolyard to schoolyard in Mainz. Now they are putting up their tents in rural regions as well. In their bags are workshops for children devoted to the topic of sustainability. What repercussions does my consumption have for people in other countries? What does a regional apple have to do with climate protection? How big is my ecological footprint? The objective of the project, which was launched by the Federation of Catholic Youth and the Mainz Youth Ministry in 2010, is to playfully teach children how to protect the environment and natural resources.
Ausgezeichnete Orte 2014
Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend (BDKJ) & Bischöfliches Jugendamt (BJA) Mainz
Am Fort Gonsenheim 54
55122 Mainz