QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/project/windnode-showcase-for-intelligent-energy-from-north-eastern-germany-3812

WindNODE – Showcase for intelligent energy from north-eastern Germany

Besuchbarer Ort „Energiewerkstatt": Auf dem EUREF-Campus in Berlin werden intelligente Nutz- und Speichersysteme vorgestellt.
zielgruppe kreativ / GASAG Solution Plus

A real-life lab for the energy transition

A region serves as a laboratory for testing flexible solutions for managing power consumption

Variations in the power generation of wind or solar power plants are a challenge. In order to avoid fluctuations or even outages in the power grid, digital solutions are needed that keep production and consumption in balance. The WindNODE model project is testing such solutions by connecting the relevant protagonists via a flexibility platform. Producers can use it to signal when a lot of electricity is available. Factories automatically adapt their production management to it, and commercial and residential areas their use of electrical equipment. Demonstrators and showrooms also invite interested parties to experience and help shape the new concepts. This gives rise to blueprints for the intelligent power supply of the future – for the common good.

Ausgezeichnete Orte 2018

WindNODE (c/o Verbundkoordinator 50Hertz Transmission)

Heidestraße 2, c/o 50Hertz Transmission
10557 Berlin

