"The effects of the climate crisis are among the greatest challenges for which we must develop solutions for. Being young we have the permission and the duty to dream of a better tomorrow and we have the power to envision it. Being a leader we know how to meet real-life challenges and to make things happen. Bringing both together as young Leaders we do have the potential to dream of a better sustainable world and the skills and experience, to make it happen - and in doing so, to inspire others."
Dr. Julia Kleeberger is the managing director of the social enterprises Form21 GmbH and mycelia gGmbH as well as being Co-Founder and shareholder of the non-profit company Junge TüftlerInnen with the learning platform TüftelAkademie. With a background as Design Strategist for Business Innovation at a Dax corporation, her work focuses on learning through comprehension (playful learning) and the acquisition of important competencies (future skills) for participation in a digital society.
As a social entrepreneur and expert for new and participatory learning formats, Julia dedicates her work and energy to rebuild the education system with an entrepreneurial mindset and advocates for a fundamental transformation of the education system with courage and commitment.