QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/competitions/german-mobility-award/preistraeger/ideas-competition-2021/digital-calendars-for-intelligent-mobility

Digital calendars for intelligent mobility

The idea is to deploy a digital calendar or appointment planner for the intelligent management of mobility.

Stefan Wagner, Jena

The Idea

According to Bitkom, 83 percent of German smart-phone owners use the calendar or appointment-planner function. So far, however, calendars have not been used for the intelligent management of mobility, though a lot of valuable information is stored in them. Enter the digital calendar for intelligent mobility. In this digital calendar, intelligent and multimodal connections may be displayed and made bookable for all appointments outside the home. In this way, the calendar could display all users’ planned travel and thus better control traffic flows and capacity utilisation.

Various use-cases are possible:
(1) Business meetings and mobility: Appointments scheduled in the morning during rush hour would be suggested by the calendar to take place later or online. This removes numerous participants from high-volume commuter hours.
(2) Events such as football games, concerts, and other events that lead to traffic congestion: The calendar shows time slots that lead to high traffic volumes, and multimodal connections are displayed for the user, in order to better manage traffic flows.
(3) Holiday periods: State and regional holidays are known far in advance. Long-term mobility planning can thus also take place in the calendar in advance, forecasting and displaying traffic volumes and routes to the user at an early stage.
(4) Intelligent, multimodal connections with other appointments in the calendar: Users are shown peak times so they can implement personal mobility-planning to intelligently manage routes and means of transportation.
