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Winnerslist German Mobility Award

  • BrokenLifts.org – Platform for information on lifts that do not work

    Via the digital platform BrokenLifts.org people can obtain information about lifts that do not work at public transport stations in Berlin. The project relies on open data and facilitates the travel planning.

  • CleverShuttle – door to door with green RideSharing

    The Berlin start-up CleverShuttle offers a green and inexpensive door-to-door shuttle service based on the RideSharing principle. An intelligent algorithm calculates the best route combinations and brings together enquiries about carpooling.

  • KONUX – smart rail infrastructure with sensor data analysis

    Through the use of sensor and analysis solutions developed by the start-up KONUX, railway companies gain insight into the condition of the rail network in real time. As a result, downtimes can be recognized and remedied in advance.

  • Hubject – eRoaming platform for networked electromobility

    A platform enables electric vehicles all over Europe to be charged regardless of the manufacturer. Via the Hubject platform, the charging stations of all operators connected to the grid can be found and used even by customers of other manufacturers.
