QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-dmp

Winnerslist German Mobility Award

  • Mobilfalt – mobility through diversity

    An intermodal software solution for rural transport integrates private rides on public transport and enables citizens to use the local transport system more flexibly.

  • moovel – the mobility app

    The mobility app moovel combines a number of offers on one platform, including the car-sharing provider car2go, German Rail, mytaxi, rental bicycles, and public local transport. Users can book and pay on the app, giving them simple and direct access to mobility.

  • Cyface – more convenient driving

    With a crowd-based platform, the Dresden start-up Cyface gathers and evaluates data on the quality of roads enabling routes to be planned more intelligently. In addition, the data provide the authorities with a basis for improving road quality.

  • Dēmos – democratic mobility system

    The platform Dēmos uses block chain technology to give users of different mobility services sovereignty over their data and enabling them to become a provider themselves.
