Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Multigenerational facilities – family help in Saxony
In multigenerational facilities, rural families get strong support
Apolda cultural factory
A cultural centre opens up career perspectives for young creative people who live in the country
OPERNALE – the opera festival in the rural north
A volunteer opera festival tours the country and livens up the regional cultural scene
„Kultur gegen Leerstand“ in Zittau
Von Theaterstück bis Filmfestival: Ein Verein belebt verwaiste Gebäude auf dem Land mit kreativen Ideen
B. Braun Children's and Youth Weeks - “Research needs young talent”
Annual research weeks stoke children and youth's enthusiasm for experimenting and making discoveries
RETHINK – case studies for modern agriculture
A large-scale study brings European scientists together at one table – for more sustainability in agriculture
Fish-friendly dam in Schmölln-Putzkau
A novel fish bypass protects fish when they migrate through brooks and generates energy at the same time
Textile heat storage, Grünbach
A young company has developed a material out of paraffin threads that can store heat and cold