QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Neunkirchen Upcycling Centre

    Based on designs by design students, jobseekers and migrants manufacture good-as-new utensils and furniture from commercial waste

  • cera2heat heating technology

    A start-up is revolutionising the packaging market with its innovative heating technology, and saving resources in the process

  • ‘Digitale Dörfer’ platform

    Digital services connect villagers to ensure quality of life in rural areas

  • Entern – autonomous robots for planetary exploration

    Space robots that independently explore caves and craters on celestial bodies

  • willpower energy™

    A technology company is developing a plant that lets consumers produce and store methanol as an fuel themselves

  • Multi-material printer AIM3D

    A new 3-D multi-material printer overcomes material limits and thus reduces production costs

  • Looking East – Research and business collaboration with Japan

    Researchers and companies in Saxony and Yamagata cooperate in the field of organic electronics

  • International encounters between deaf and hearing people

    Deaf and hearing people meet for international exchange

  • Energy-efficient battery technology for satellites and electric vehicles

    Researchers have developed a method to precisely plan the charging status of satellite batteries

  • spaactor.com – A search engine for spoken content

    A new internet search engine makes it possible to search for spoken content
