QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • CorrelAid – Data analysis for the greater good

    Volunteer data analysts help social organisations use data analysis for their goals

  • robot factory – Training the natives of the Robotic Age

    In courses and workshops, schoolchildren, trainees and students learn how to programme and operate collaborative robots.

  • QuartrBack – intelligent help for dementia patients

    An intelligent emergency chain enables dementia patients to continue living in their familiar surroundings

  • Learning factory for global production

    A training centre prepares employees and students for globally connected production

  • Kinemic gesture control

    Gesture control allows users to automatically retrieve information without the need for a keyboard or control buttons.

  • Energy-efficient battery technology for satellites and electric vehicles

    Researchers have developed a method to precisely plan the charging status of satellite batteries

  • Wasni Inclusive textile company: Where different is the norm

    People with and without disabilities design and produce fashion according to individual customer wishes

  • Magnetic resonance imaging under high pressure

    Scientists develop a new method for analysing material samples under specific conditions

  • Green Shape Core Collection – Sustainable outdoor clothing

    An outdoor gear manufacturer turns fresh-air lovers into environmental heroes with its sustainable, multifunctional clothing

  • Renumics simulation software

    A start-up develops software that automates technical simulations and saves time
