Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Germany-wide church app
An app helps locals and tourists find houses of worship in their vicinity
Industry 4.0 – a network leads to greater productivity
In a factory, integrated digitisation is being tested and employees are being made fit for the digital switchover
ARTOMAT – app for contemporary art
An app helps users analyse and interpret contemporary art
Intelligent prostheses for greater freedom of movement
Thanks to digital technologies, a future generation of prostheses will learn to move like a person
Secure e-petitions
A new personal ID can be used for clear identification with online petitions
Virtual reality experiments - digital physics lessons
A digital school laboratory shows how e-learning can help pupils learn physics
KOTT-SMART – intelligent sanitation technology
Smart Home technology makes usage of washing machines, faucets, etc. more intelligent and safer
Guidance for children’s media usage
An initiative teaches children to deal responsibly with TV, the Internet, and games