Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Ouissal – German-Arabic mentoring programme
In an intercultural network, young women entrepreneurs benefit from the knowledge of experienced businesswomen
DBT laboratory – laboratory for digital education & training media
A laboratory enables schools and universities to test mixed reality training environments
RAA - Regional Centre for Democratic Culture West Mecklenburg
With further education and training, networks, and support, an association fights right-wing extremism in rural areas
You can do it too – online course for volunteer German teachers
In an online course, volunteers learn how to teach refugees German
Gedankenflieger – philosophising with children
A mobile educational initiative encourages children to observe the world around them and question it critically
HuT learning workshop – handicrafts and technology for refugees
Retirees teach refugees handicrafts skills and prepare them for professional life
Boxmate – more security for IT systems
A software ensures greater security by controlling apps' and programmes' access to data