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Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • New Neighbours Arnsberg initiative

    Refugees help other refugees get a foothold in their new surroundings

  • thüringen-hilft.de – platform for supporters and people seeking help

    An online portal bundles information and offers for helpers and people in need of a help in a German state

  • witelo – network of scientific-technical places of learning in Jena

    An initiative interlinks the offers of extacurricular learning centres to arouse a greater interest in technology

  • Bee sauna – fighting pests with heat

    Beekeepers have partnered to save their bees from harmful mites using heat

  • RAA - Regional Centre for Democratic Culture West Mecklenburg

    With further education and training, networks, and support, an association fights right-wing extremism in rural areas

  • ibidi – analysis of living cells

    Novel plastic biochips make it easier to do research on living cells

  • MobilTrain – training programme for older road users

    With a tailor-made training program, older people in rural areas stay mobile for a longer time

  • Aqua solar village – energy self-sufficient living on water

    Researchers test energy-saving living on water

  • CORRECTIV – research for social education

    A research centre makes socially relevant information available to everyone for free
