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Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • You can do it too – online course for volunteer German teachers

    In an online course, volunteers learn how to teach refugees German

  • ibidi – analysis of living cells

    Novel plastic biochips make it easier to do research on living cells

  • Neighbourhood platform Offenbach Loves You

    A website promotes a municipality with authentic stories and pictures from the neighbourhood

  • MobilTrain – training programme for older road users

    With a tailor-made training program, older people in rural areas stay mobile for a longer time

  • Stepping stone to the future – sports & career

    An initiative helps German athletes build a career after they retire

  • HuT learning workshop – handicrafts and technology for refugees

    Retirees teach refugees handicrafts skills and prepare them for professional life

  • enera – decentralized energy provision in a practical test

    With the help of intelligent technologies, the energy system of a model region is being made fit for the future

  • Boxmate – more security for IT systems

    A software ensures greater security by controlling apps' and programmes' access to data  
