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Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Wölfersheim municipality app

    An app offers the residents of a community helpful service locally and boosts local retail

  • PROGRASS – bioenergy from green waste

    Researchers are investigating how environment-friendly bioenergy can be generated from rural and urban green waste

  • “Pupils discover design” workshops

    Children are taught design at workshops across Germany  

  • “Health Creates Future” general medicine initiative

    With a welcome service and further education offers, a rural region attracts young doctors

  • Treptitz – joining forces for sustainable infrastructure in rural areas

    Citizens of a village join forces to make their sewage and energy infrastructure fit for the future

  • Algae biogas concept

    With CO2 and heat from biogas facilities, researchers are breeding algae as a raw material for cosmetics and biodiesel

  • “Theater Altes Hallenbad” in Friedberg / Hessen

    Citzens restore an art nouveau pool, turning it into a cultural venue

  • KULAN - Das Leichtbaufahrzeug

    14 Firmen und zwei Forschungsinstitute entwickeln ein elektrobetriebenes Nutzfahrzeug für ländliche Räume

  • “Manufakturhaus” marketing and sales platform

    A sales and manufacturing network is heightening awareness and appreciation of regional crafts products

  • Multigenerational facilities – family help in Saxony

    In multigenerational facilities, rural families get strong support

  • „Kultur gegen Leerstand“ in Zittau

    Von Theaterstück bis Filmfestival: Ein Verein belebt verwaiste Gebäude auf dem Land mit kreativen Ideen 

  • B. Braun Children's and Youth Weeks - “Research needs young talent”

    Annual research weeks stoke children and youth's enthusiasm for experimenting and making discoveries

  • RETHINK – case studies for modern agriculture

    A large-scale study brings European scientists together at one table – for more sustainability in agriculture

  • Fish-friendly dam in Schmölln-Putzkau

    A novel fish bypass protects fish when they migrate through brooks and generates energy at the same time

  • Textile heat storage, Grünbach

    A young company has developed a material out of paraffin threads that can store heat and cold
