Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Underwater pumped-storage power station
Deep-sea energy storage allows large quantities of electricity to be stored in an eco- friendly way
- learning platform
An internet platform empowers refugees to continue their education and prepare for a degree
Neunkirchen Upcycling Centre
Based on designs by design students, jobseekers and migrants manufacture good-as-new utensils and furniture from commercial waste
cera2heat heating technology
A start-up is revolutionising the packaging market with its innovative heating technology, and saving resources in the process
‘Digitale Dörfer’ platform
Digital services connect villagers to ensure quality of life in rural areas
Entern – autonomous robots for planetary exploration
Space robots that independently explore caves and craters on celestial bodies
Students volunteer to accompany senior citizens with small pensions and disabilities to cultural events
Privalino – Safe chatting for children
A start-up app protects children from cyberbullying and online abuse
Looking East – Research and business collaboration with Japan
Researchers and companies in Saxony and Yamagata cooperate in the field of organic electronics
International encounters between deaf and hearing people
Deaf and hearing people meet for international exchange
- – A search engine for spoken content
A new internet search engine makes it possible to search for spoken content
Variokan wastewater system
A start-up develops a flexible wastewater system that works in heavy rain and drought.
Short-term homestay for kids with disabilities
Families with severely disabled children find respite in a former manor house
Impact Week – Workshops for thinkers in developing countries
An initiative uses creative techniques to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in developing countries