QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Green+ Hospitals

    A "Green+ Check" audits the sustainability of hospitals with respect to the environment, quality, and efficiency

  • bettervest – investing in a better city together

    Citizens invest in energy saving projects and reap benefits from the profits

  • ST mobil – flexibel unterwegs in Westfalen

    Verkehrsunternehmen motiviert mit neuem Angebot zum Umsteigen auf umweltfreundliche Mobilität

  • Innovative assistance for people with dementia

    Modern technologies enable people with dementia to be safe and independent to a large extent

  • People with dementia who live alone – training in municipalities

    A training programme shows citizens and service staff how to help people with dementia living alone

  • LITTLE BIRD – software for transparent allocation of day-care places

    New software improves allocation of day-care slots for children in cities

  • Germany’s humming! Doing something for the bees

    An initiative is motivating citizens to create new habitats for wild bees and honeybees in urban areas
