QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • IPO.Eye 3D B74 scanning robot

    With 3D images of manufacturing sites, a robot makes industrial planners' work easier

  • BAG2GO – the intelligent suitcase

    Intelligent suitcases reduce passenger stress and make airlines' handling more efficient

  • Viprinet Multichannel VPN Router

    A patented router bundles several lines, thus reducing companies' Internet down times

  • Culture-inclusive.com – portal for barrier-free cultural offers

    A barrier-free online portal provides information about cultural events for people with disabilities

  • A worldwide network for more efficient production

    ebm-papst controls the manufacture of its 15,000 products with software, thus making manufacturing and quality inspections more efficient

  • ambiact – current sensor for home emergencies

    A current sensor on devices used by elderly people who live alone recognizes whether they need help

  • DHL Resilience360 risk management platform

    By performing a risk analysis of worldwide data, a software makes international supply chains more secure

  • United Charity Internet auctions

    By auctioning off unique gifts and experiences, a platform generates millions of euros in donations

  • AX Semantics

    Software for generating news from data and figures

  • e-Installation – virtual space for media art

    Telepresence technologies enable researchers to create a digital Noah's Ark for media artworks

  • #creativecoder{ – trainee programme for creative programmers

    In a practically oriented trainee programme, young talents become creative programmers in just twelve months

  • edicted. Outsourcing for lawyers

    A platform links lawyers with students and law clerks and enables intelligent job distribution

  • Intelligent lifts

    Lifts send data to the Cloud providing clues about a possible need for maintenance at an early stage

  • Open Roberta – learning programming playfully

    With an open graphic programming platform, pupils gather their first programming experiences with no technical obstacles

  • Data-driven sushi: digital fresh food sales planning

    An innovative software enables precise planning of fresh food needs

  • smartPORT logistics – networked harbor logistics

    A communications system interlinks logistics players in harbours and enables goods to flow smoothly

  • Software for customised fluidic simulations

  • Mobile rescuer – smart phone-based first-aid system

    Via an app the emergency call centre alarms voluntary first-aid workers and guides them to the site of the accident

  • MaxCine – public centre for communication and exchange

    With the help of digital, interactive technology, a research institute enables interested people to learn about its work

  • Protonet – independent data storage

    A server that can be operated by laypeople enables freelancers and small companies to have control over their data
