Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Medical research insights – software solution for medical research
A software makes it easier for researchers and doctors to correlate and evaluate clinical data
Open Roberta – learning programming playfully
With an open graphic programming platform, pupils gather their first programming experiences with no technical obstacles
smartPORT logistics – networked harbor logistics
A communications system interlinks logistics players in harbours and enables goods to flow smoothly
Cyber-physical equivalence – intelligent production control
The Fraunhofer Institute is conducting research on control tools for industry 4.0 manufacturing processes
Digital views of the world online: 3D models of historical globes
A 3D scanner creates spatial images of historical globes from museum magazines
Mobile rescuer – smart phone-based first-aid system
Via an app the emergency call centre alarms voluntary first-aid workers and guides them to the site of the accident
Protonet – independent data storage
A server that can be operated by laypeople enables freelancers and small companies to have control over their data
A news website provides information on socially relevant topics in simple language
IT training for people in craft trades
An excellence centre enables people in crafts trades to integrate digital tools into their work
HumanX 3D training simulation
Bone and organ models from a 3D printer make it possible to plan and perform operations better
Virtual reality experiments - digital physics lessons
A digital school laboratory shows how e-learning can help pupils learn physics
KOTT-SMART – intelligent sanitation technology
Smart Home technology makes usage of washing machines, faucets, etc. more intelligent and safer