QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Villages on the Move Initiative

    An initiative shows how team spirit can make rural areas attractive

  • Cloud&Heat – Energy-efficient data centre

    New technology reduces costs and energy consumption in large data centres

  • FASE – Financing Agency for Social Entrepreneurship

    A financing agency arranges the perfect match between social enterprises and investors

  • ParkHere intelligent parking lot sensor

    An energy-independent sensor simplifies the search for a parking space, thereby reducing urban traffic

  • Demantec – Innovative technologies in nursing homes

    A research project develops and tests technological assistance systems to improve the quality of life of dementia patients

  • ‘Nano Maize’ drug transporter

    Researchers are developing an inhalable drug transporter for precise delivery of medication into the lungs.

  • Biodegradable electronics

    Scientists develop biodegradable electronic components

  • Heyfair – Rethinking hygiene

    A new disinfectant prevents infections by improving hygiene in hospitals

  • EinDollarBrille social enterprise

    An association has developed a complete solution for establishing basic optical care in developing countries

  • Future City Langenfeld

    A city becomes a testing ground for ideas for the retail trade of the future

  • oncampus.de/integration learning platform

    An internet platform empowers refugees to continue their education and prepare for a degree

  • Miniscule quantum sensor for new measurement methods

    Researchers develop a sensor small enough to test hard drives and measure brain waves

  • cera2heat heating technology

    A start-up is revolutionising the packaging market with its innovative heating technology, and saving resources in the process

  • Userlane – Making software understable for everyone

    A navigation system makes it possible to use any kind of computer programme immediately without any prior knowledge

  • Entern – autonomous robots for planetary exploration

    Space robots that independently explore caves and craters on celestial bodies

  • rfrnz – Digital contract analysis for solicitors

    New analysis software makes it easier for lawyers to review contracts

  • Schaeffler OriginCheck App

    Customers can use a smartphone app to verify the authenticity of a brand manufacturer’s roller bearings

  • willpower energy™

    A technology company is developing a plant that lets consumers produce and store methanol as an fuel themselves

  • Multi-material printer AIM3D

    A new 3-D multi-material printer overcomes material limits and thus reduces production costs

  • Smart Service Power – Technology platform for home care

    An intelligent technology platform supports at-home care
