QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Artistic illumination of railway underpasses

    Light installations transform dark railroad underpasses into lively, radiant art spaces

  • EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr

    A business-science network develops new logistics concepts for the Smart City

  • zemisec – electromobile goods traffic

    Electric trucks make goods movement in the city of tomorrow quiet and emission free

  • Ruhr Region Pixel Project

    A virtual album publishes photos of a region focusing on its cultural transformation

  • Innovation Centre (InnoZ): Living Lab for energy and mobility networks

    In the Living Lab, the intelligent city of tomorrow comes to life with networked mobility and energy

  • Rainbow family centre

    An advisory centre supports gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transsexuals who want children

  • „Death at the Wall“ – history lessons via app

    A smartphone app playfully provides knowledge about the division of Berlin

  • KATWARN - the municipal warning and information system

    A new system helps the fire department alert residents via SMS, e-mail, or app when there are accidents

  • Bremen-bewegen.de

    An online platform enables citizens to participate in their city's traffic planning

  • mundraub.org – Online-Forum für freie Obsternte

    Internet-Plattform zeigt Obstfans, wo sie in ihrer Region kostenlos ernten dürfen

  • Tomato Fish – ASTAF-PRO aquaponic system

    With a novel facility urban farmers can sustainably breed fish and grow vegetables at the same time

  • ebee charging point for electric vehicles

    With the help of a new technology, traffic lights and street lamps become charging stations for electric cars

  • Renaturing – new riverbed for Arnsberg

    Back to nature: a former straightened river is now an idyllic recreational area for city residents

  • Mo.Ki – Monheim for children

    An urban network supports socially deprived children from birth until they find a job

  • roofTUBgarden – The edible roof garden

    A roof garden ensures that socially disadvantaged people can eat a variety of healthy foods

  • “Home Work”

    Pupils research local business to create job opportunities for themselves

  • Ampido - Share your parking place

    A new online platform and mobile apps enable people to share parking spaces intelligently

  • Andernach – the edible city

    Fruit and vegetables planted in public parks and green areas invite citizens to harvest them

  • Green+ Hospitals

    A "Green+ Check" audits the sustainability of hospitals with respect to the environment, quality, and efficiency

  • BIQ – the algae building

    A living glass facade generates energy
