QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • PanBox - transparent file and folder encrypting for Cloud and storage

    A new software enables users to have complete control over their data in the Cloud - for more security on the Internet

  • awamo GmbH - IT for the African microfinance sector

    A customised IT solution facilitates granting of loans to farmers and small enterprises in Africa

  • smartPORT logistics – networked harbor logistics

    A communications system interlinks logistics players in harbours and enables goods to flow smoothly

  • Cyber-physical equivalence – intelligent production control

    The Fraunhofer Institute is conducting research on control tools for industry 4.0 manufacturing processes

  • PrintScreen – displays to print

    Researchers are developing a method that enables even laypeople to design and print out displays

  • Protonet – independent data storage

    A server that can be operated by laypeople enables freelancers and small companies to have control over their data

  • Multi mechanisms adaption for the future Internet (MAKI)

    Researchers are investigating how communications systems can adapt themselves to changed conditions independently

  • IT training for people in craft trades

    An excellence centre enables people in crafts trades to integrate digital tools into their work

  • ARTOMAT – app for contemporary art

    An app helps users analyse and interpret contemporary art

  • Digital mentoring programme

    Young people become digital mentors and give pupils advice about cybermobbing and data protection on the Internet

  • Virtual reality experiments - digital physics lessons

    A digital school laboratory shows how e-learning can help pupils learn physics
