Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Service fascination – interactive sales concepts for dealers
With the help of digital technology dealers can link online and offline shopping – for a completely new shopping experience
auticon – career perspectives for people with autism spectrum disorders
A company ensures that people with autism spectrum disorders can unfold their talents in professional life
Wikidata is a freely accessible database for structured information that can be read and edited by people and machines .
openHPI Internet education platform
In free online courses, scientists make experts and laypeople fit for the digital switchover
Tandemploy – job sharing made easy
With the help of a new technology, a job-sharing platform arouses people's desire for part-time work
Viprinet Multichannel VPN Router
A patented router bundles several lines, thus reducing companies' Internet down times
Permanent exhibition "The Web. People, Cables, Data Flows".
The exhibition makes the world of information and communications networks comprehensible to lay people.
RobotRecht research centre
A research centre guides manufacturers and users securely through the jungle of paragraphs
Econamic Grid – virtual, decentralized mass storage device
As part of a decentralized mass storage device, consumers receive electricity free of charge and ensure that the grid is stable
yetu – the intelligent Smart Home solution
A Smart Home system enables people to link and operate all of their home appliances via a single platform
Going Green – Education for Sustainability
In a digital exchange programme with like-minded school pupils in the USA, pupils in Germany develop projects for more sustainability
Foresighted current flow control at the Blieskastel application centre
Thanks to “Foresighted current flow control”, a research centre becomes an intelligent, green power plant.
Weimarpedia – interactive cultural encyclopedia for pupils
On a knowledge platform they design themselves, pupils explain and research the cultural history of the Goethe city
PanBox - transparent file and folder encrypting for Cloud and storage
A new software enables users to have complete control over their data in the Cloud - for more security on the Internet
SOPAT – online particle measuring technique
Photo optic probes measure the tiniest particles and make processes more efficient in industry
Medical research insights – software solution for medical research
A software makes it easier for researchers and doctors to correlate and evaluate clinical data
3YOURMIND – 3D printing service for industry and architecture
A software solution simplifies 3D printing of industrial and architectural models
Digitised investigation of the world of bees all of over Europe
Assisted by young researchers, pupils develop beehives that are used to gather data and create networks
Digital views of the world online: 3D models of historical globes
A 3D scanner creates spatial images of historical globes from museum magazines
PrintScreen – displays to print
Researchers are developing a method that enables even laypeople to design and print out displays