Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
High-pressure electrolysers – storing Green Electricity efficiently
A technology creates the prerequisite for the petrol station network to expand to accommodate fuel cell vehicles
FOVEA – photo-optic surveying app
A smartphone app makes it easier for researchers to gauge the volume and quality of harvested timber
Crisis simulation TEAMWORK
Researchers are developing software-based training for disaster control and volunteer helpers
School Cloud
With Cloud technology digital media and learning offers are to become a fixed component of school classes
INTAKT – interactive microimplants
A network of industry, science, and hospitals is developing new interactive microimplants
EPICSAVE emergency training
Virtual training in their education will prepare emergency paramedics for deployment in the future T
AmpPot - analysis of mass attacks on the Internet
With the help of digital bait scientists are developing an early warning system for cyber attacks
Team U – a successful new beginning
A consultancy project removes the stigma of bankrupcy and shows how setbacks can lead to success
AcListant – assistance system for air traffic controllers
An assistance system for air traffic controllers intends to heighten aviation safety using language recognition
Breeze air quality monitoring
A start-up is developing intelligent sensor networks to improve the air quality in cities and offices
Oculyze – smart phone microscope with image recognition
Smartphones become microscopes thanks to an optical module and Cloud-based image recognition software
Online platform Die Masterarbeit
An online platform helps small and medium-sized businesses find junior staff for their research
GEAR – predicting antibiotic resistance using genetic data
With the help of genetic data researchers are developing tests to discover resistant pathogens faster
Chronikit asthma emergency bag
An emergency bag enables laypeople to help people with asthma