Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Social-Bee integration services
A fledgling social temp agency helps refugees enter the job market in Germany
World Future Lab multimedia sustainability game
In a walk-in, interactive game, teams save the global climate and learn to protect the environment
GlobalMatch – Search portal for international project partners
An online portal for finding tandem partners worldwide to put shared ideas into action
Robot assistant: German Bionic CRAY X
A technical system helps people lift heavy loads, and prevents back strain
Thriving Green – Spirulina farming in East Africa
To combat hunger, students in Kenya are building algae farms and training local people in their cultivation
New approaches to art – inclusive museum tours
A project trains people with disabilities to become museum guides who open up new perspectives for visitors
App Companion2Go for people with and without handicap
An app empowers people with disabilities to find companions for joint activities
DrugTargetInspector – Computer program for cancer treatment
A data analysis procedure to help doctors find the best possible therapy for each cancer patient
FASE – Financing Agency for Social Entrepreneurship
A financing agency arranges the perfect match between social enterprises and investors
AlterEgo – digital twins for interaction training
A digital twin is meant to help patients with social disorders improve their communications skills
ParkHere intelligent parking lot sensor
An energy-independent sensor simplifies the search for a parking space, thereby reducing urban traffic
Clean Peptide Technology – environmentally friendly peptide production
A novel process makes it possible to produce peptide molecules without harmful solvents
‘Nano Maize’ drug transporter
Researchers are developing an inhalable drug transporter for precise delivery of medication into the lungs.
EinDollarBrille social enterprise
An association has developed a complete solution for establishing basic optical care in developing countries
Underwater pumped-storage power station
Deep-sea energy storage allows large quantities of electricity to be stored in an eco- friendly way
Neunkirchen Upcycling Centre
Based on designs by design students, jobseekers and migrants manufacture good-as-new utensils and furniture from commercial waste
Userlane – Making software understable for everyone
A navigation system makes it possible to use any kind of computer programme immediately without any prior knowledge
‘Digitale Dörfer’ platform
Digital services connect villagers to ensure quality of life in rural areas
Entern – autonomous robots for planetary exploration
Space robots that independently explore caves and craters on celestial bodies