Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Multi-material printer AIM3D
A new 3-D multi-material printer overcomes material limits and thus reduces production costs
Students volunteer to accompany senior citizens with small pensions and disabilities to cultural events
StackFuel online data analysis training
This start-up’s interactive online tutorials turn employees into data specialists
A start-up provides craftsmen with short-term jobs abroad and supports them in their preparations
Looking East – Research and business collaboration with Japan
Researchers and companies in Saxony and Yamagata cooperate in the field of organic electronics
An initiative supports companies and institutions in creating barrier-free offers
KoolZone control system for refrigerators
A monitoring system for refrigeration plants saves food from the dumpster and optimises energy consumption
robot factory – Training the natives of the Robotic Age
In courses and workshops, schoolchildren, trainees and students learn how to programme and operate collaborative robots.
Energy-efficient battery technology for satellites and electric vehicles
Researchers have developed a method to precisely plan the charging status of satellite batteries
Interdisciplinary Forum Neurourbanistics: Mental health & the city
Neuroscientists and urbanologists jointly develop solutions to counter urban stress
Short-term homestay for kids with disabilities
Families with severely disabled children find respite in a former manor house