QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • KombiBus – transport service for Uckermark

    A bus company brings people and goods to their destination and puts rural supplies in the fast lane

  • Optimized biocoal from agricultural residues

    Researchers are developing a method of fertilizing fields with fermentation residue from biogas manufacture

  • CLAAS-Telekom industry 4.0 in agriculture

    Mobile radio and sensor technology make farmers' work easier

  • Standardized communication with the M2M Teledesk

    Agricultural equipment used on farms and in fields is coordinated via a central platform by mobile radio

  • entia - good things that smile

    An online shop has created a sales platform that can be used by workshops for people with disabilities throughout Germany

  • acs – competence centre for cost efficient production

    Suppliers, higher education institutions, and municipalities in the country jointly promote the development of innovative car parts

  • GemüseAckerdemie

    An extracurricular educational program imparts integrated knowledge about farming and healthy nutrition

  • SmartRegion Pellworm

    The first intelligent electricity network enables residents to use renewable energy where it is generated – locally

  • “Future of the villages in South Westphalia” network

    An agency motivates people in the country to join forces to develop perspectives for their home villages

  • Young buys old – municipal programme against abandoned buildings

    A municipality helps families to buy old buildings in the town centre, preventing the area from becoming abandoned

  • “Smart Villages” research project

    Students turn a village into a field laboratory and investigate how dying villages can safeguard their future

  • Need-oriented school bus transport

    Thanks to a new school bus navigation system, schoolchildren's travel times are reduced and municipalities cut costs

  • it’s OWL – high-tech network from Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    With bundled competencies, a region with a rural infrastructure puts Germany at the forefront of high-tech production

  • “Aubikom” – cooperation for more educational competence in Blomberg

    By means of extracurricular remedial education, a company prepares vocational school students for professional life in the region

  • Welcoming agency in Uckermark

    With a lot of charm and consulting offers, an association attracts people who have moved away and people who live in cities to rural regions.


    On the grounds of the legendary Wacken Heavy Metal festival, young people can attend workshops that spawn rock stars

  • Smart Rural Areas – intelligent technologies for the future in the country

    Scientists and companies are researching intelligent technologies that make rural life easier
