Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
iversity university platform
At people can take online classes at the university of their choice
Measuring system for optimising CFRP production
With a digital measuring and analysis system quality defects in plastics production can be avoided
Service fascination – interactive sales concepts for dealers
With the help of digital technology dealers can link online and offline shopping – for a completely new shopping experience
openHPI Internet education platform
In free online courses, scientists make experts and laypeople fit for the digital switchover
RobotRecht research centre
A research centre guides manufacturers and users securely through the jungle of paragraphs
Medical research insights – software solution for medical research
A software makes it easier for researchers and doctors to correlate and evaluate clinical data
Digitised investigation of the world of bees all of over Europe
Assisted by young researchers, pupils develop beehives that are used to gather data and create networks
Volkswagen Data Lab – Big Data for future mobility
The interdisciplinary think tank is working on future technology for Germany as a location for business
SWOP team – digital charity flea market
Users can advertise objects via a flea market app - the person who collects the object doesn't pay but donates the money for a good cause
SkIDentity – electronic Identity for online services
With a new technology online business can be conducted on the move
Industry 4.0 – a network leads to greater productivity
In a factory, integrated digitisation is being tested and employees are being made fit for the digital switchover
HumanX 3D training simulation
Bone and organ models from a 3D printer make it possible to plan and perform operations better