QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • IdeenReich – Germany's first cultural zoo

    Two cultural institutions join forces to become competitive again

  • Sustainability guides for school, family, and youth

    Young people from socially disadvantaged families advocate the environment as sustainability guides

  • Knowledge Workshop Saarbrücken: experience technology - grasp technology

    Children and young people of various origins discover their technical talent in a learning workshop  

  • Kulturschlüssel Saar – initiative for barrier-free cultural pleasure

    A cultural programme enables handicapped people to experience events live and for free

  • Research project C³ – Carbon Concrete Composite

    A research project intends to make Germany the market leader in the building material carbon concrete

  • Integration initiative "Saar business helps refugees"

    Regional economic organizations jointly advertise for training and hiring of refugees

  • Silicon Saxony – the Saxon microelectronics and ICT network

    An association is networking the Saxon ICT industry and lobbying for high-tech solutions

  • Research cooperation futureTEX

    A large-scale research cooperation intends to strengthen the competitiveness of the East German textile industry

  • Master instruments for children

    Craftspeople build musical instruments for young up-and-coming musicians

  • Banda Internationale – integration through music

    A band plays music with refugees to promote integration and enrich the local cultural scene

  • EcoTrain – sustainable drive and energy management

    Together with local partners from business and science, Deutsche Bahn is developing an industrialised hybrid unit for rail vehicles

  • Boxmate – more security for IT systems

    A software ensures greater security by controlling apps' and programmes' access to data  
