Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Efficient design for photovoltaics
Photovoltaic units become aesthetic design elements of tomorrow's cityscape
Grandhotel Cosmopolis
Ein ehemaliges Pflegeheim wird Unterkunft für Flüchtlinge und Anziehungspunkt für Bürger und Touristen
Bebelallee Tree Houses
With a new wood construction idea, buildings can be refurbished and stories added quickly, quietly, and inexpensively
Forum – Young Migrant Talents
An association promotes talented pupils from immigrant families
Jena welcome service
A municipal service arouses skilled workers’ enthusiasm for Jena and offers job prospects there
Remote-controlled quadrocopter with sensors
Remote-controlled mini helicopters support rescue forces in disaster operations
Artistic illumination of railway underpasses
Light installations transform dark railroad underpasses into lively, radiant art spaces
EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr
A business-science network develops new logistics concepts for the Smart City
zemisec – electromobile goods traffic
Electric trucks make goods movement in the city of tomorrow quiet and emission free
Ruhr Region Pixel Project
A virtual album publishes photos of a region focusing on its cultural transformation
„Death at the Wall“ – history lessons via app
A smartphone app playfully provides knowledge about the division of Berlin
Renaturing – new riverbed for Arnsberg
Back to nature: a former straightened river is now an idyllic recreational area for city residents
Mo.Ki – Monheim for children
An urban network supports socially deprived children from birth until they find a job
Ampido - Share your parking place
A new online platform and mobile apps enable people to share parking spaces intelligently
ST mobil – flexibel unterwegs in Westfalen
Verkehrsunternehmen motiviert mit neuem Angebot zum Umsteigen auf umweltfreundliche Mobilität
Building material from bulrush
A swamp plant is used to make environmentally friendly insulating panels
Company childcare
An organisation specializing in childcare helps companies create their own day-care centres
Innovative assistance for people with dementia
Modern technologies enable people with dementia to be safe and independent to a large extent
Johanniter home for children and youth, Munich-Ramersdorf
In a home for children and youth, socially disadvantaged children receive afternoon care with individual advancement