QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • PC-Tafel e.V. – computers for deprived people

    An association gives discarded computers to socially disadvantaged people

  • Friendsurance – peer-to-peer insurance

    A financing model rewards insured persons, who join forces via an online platform

  • Web Science Masters Degree course of study

    In an interdisciplinary course students learn to understand the Internet comprehensively

  • auticon – career perspectives for people with autism spectrum disorders

    A company ensures that people with autism spectrum disorders can unfold their talents in professional life

  • Wikidata

    Wikidata is a freely accessible database for structured information that can be read and edited by people and machines .

  • openHPI Internet education platform

    In free online courses, scientists make experts and laypeople fit for the digital switchover

  • Tandemploy – job sharing made easy

    With the help of a new technology, a job-sharing platform arouses people's desire for part-time work

  • Viprinet Multichannel VPN Router

    A patented router bundles several lines, thus reducing companies' Internet down times

  • Permanent exhibition "The Web. People, Cables, Data Flows".

    The exhibition makes the world of information and communications networks comprehensible to lay people.

  • DHL Resilience360 risk management platform

    By performing a risk analysis of worldwide data, a software makes international supply chains more secure

  • yetu – the intelligent Smart Home solution

    A Smart Home system enables people to link and operate all of their home appliances via a single platform

  • Going Green – Education for Sustainability

    In a digital exchange programme with like-minded school pupils in the USA, pupils in Germany develop projects for more sustainability

  • Intelligent lifts

    Lifts send data to the Cloud providing clues about a possible need for maintenance at an early stage

  • Foresighted current flow control at the Blieskastel application centre

    Thanks to “Foresighted current flow control”, a research centre becomes an intelligent, green power plant. 

  • PanBox - transparent file and folder encrypting for Cloud and storage

    A new software enables users to have complete control over their data in the Cloud - for more security on the Internet

  • SOPAT – online particle measuring technique

    Photo optic probes measure the tiniest particles and make processes more efficient in industry

  • Medical research insights – software solution for medical research

    A software makes it easier for researchers and doctors to correlate and evaluate clinical data

  • Open Roberta – learning programming playfully

    With an open graphic programming platform, pupils gather their first programming experiences with no technical obstacles

  • 3YOURMIND – 3D printing service for industry and architecture

    A software solution simplifies 3D printing of industrial and architectural models

  • PrintScreen – displays to print

    Researchers are developing a method that enables even laypeople to design and print out displays
