QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Ouissal – German-Arabic mentoring programme

    In an intercultural network, young women entrepreneurs benefit from the knowledge of experienced businesswomen

  • Farid’s QualiFighting – learning through boxing

    Via fun in boxing, a social project is helping children to improve their performances at school

  • MIA - Girls Engineering Academy Gifhorn

    A foundation enables female pupils to build their own greenhouses and thus teaches them engineering skills

  • ABIDA – interdisciplinary big data research

    Scientists from different disciplines test the effects of Big Data together with citizens

  • False hare – food made from insects

    A 3D printer puts insect meat in a form that makes it look and taste good

  • Industry 4.0 – competence centre for intelligent automation

    The first German science-to-business centre for industrial automation pushes ahead Industry 4.0

  • New Neighbours Arnsberg initiative

    Refugees help other refugees get a foothold in their new surroundings

  • Gedankenflieger – philosophising with children

    A mobile educational initiative encourages children to observe the world around them and question it critically

  • Aqua solar village – energy self-sufficient living on water

    Researchers test energy-saving living on water

  • CORRECTIV – research for social education

    A research centre makes socially relevant information available to everyone for free

  • enera – decentralized energy provision in a practical test

    With the help of intelligent technologies, the energy system of a model region is being made fit for the future

  • Boxmate – more security for IT systems

    A software ensures greater security by controlling apps' and programmes' access to data  
