Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Kipepeo – social and fair clothing from Tanzania
A German social enterprise produces fair clothing together with people from Africa
District department store – online shop for local dealers and manufacturers
An online shop becomes a local marketplace - and brings purchased goods to people's homes quickly by cargo bike
A tropical house in the Rennsteig – sustainable cultivation of tropical fruit
A project shows how tropical fruit can be grown sustainably with the help of regional partners
European twin city Frankfurt (Oder)-Slubice
Two cities on the German-Polish border demonstrate how a location can strengthen itself through cooperation
Water 3.0 – innovative water cleaning method
An inexpensive filter method provides people around the world with clean water
Oskar telephone help line – assistance for critically ill children and their families
A Germany-wide round-the-clock telephone help line is available to severely ill children and their families
Regionalwert AG Hamburg – value added cooperation for food
Via a stock company citizens invest in businesses and food from their region
Agrophotovoltaics – resource-efficient land usage
In a Living Lab, research partners test how agriculture can be practiced under photovoltaic modules
Satellite-guided ground movement map for Germany
A digital map shows movements on the surface of the earth down to the millimeter
Smart Country – model project in the Eifel region
Energy producers and farmers team up to make regional electricity networks climate-friendly
CoolFarmTool space – satellite technology for sustainable agriculture
In the future, an online platform will analyse satellite data so that farmers can cultivate their fields more sustainably
Bridge&Tunnel – social design from the neighbourhood
A social design label builds disadvantaged women a bridge to the job market
Smart District Data Infrastructure - intelligent 3D city models
Smart three-dimensional models help big cities simulate future developments and come up with solutions
Ouissal – German-Arabic mentoring programme
In an intercultural network, young women entrepreneurs benefit from the knowledge of experienced businesswomen
DorfSchmiede Freienseen – multifunctional multigenerational house
Residents team up to build a multifaceted multigenerational house to revive their village
Research cooperation futureTEX
A large-scale research cooperation intends to strengthen the competitiveness of the East German textile industry
Welcome Integration Network (WIN) service centre – alliance for employment
Alliance partners have established a service centre that supports companies' integration of refugees
DBT laboratory – laboratory for digital education & training media
A laboratory enables schools and universities to test mixed reality training environments
False hare – food made from insects
A 3D printer puts insect meat in a form that makes it look and taste good
thü – platform for supporters and people seeking help
An online portal bundles information and offers for helpers and people in need of a help in a German state