Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Life Sciences Cluster Northwest – network for diagnostics innovations
Medical researchers and developers bundle their know-how to push forward their region with new solutions
Your neighbour - digital network for the 65-plus generation
In a digital neighbourhood network, older people help each other cope with everyday life
District department store – online shop for local dealers and manufacturers
An online shop becomes a local marketplace - and brings purchased goods to people's homes quickly by cargo bike
A tropical house in the Rennsteig – sustainable cultivation of tropical fruit
A project shows how tropical fruit can be grown sustainably with the help of regional partners
European twin city Frankfurt (Oder)-Slubice
Two cities on the German-Polish border demonstrate how a location can strengthen itself through cooperation
Wendelstein 7-X: fusion research for the power plant of the future
Researchers are working on a power plant in which hydrogen plasma fusion will produce clean energy
Digital neighbourhood - volunteers for more security on the Internet
Volunteer Internet trainers teach people in their neighbourhood how to have more security on the Net
Satellite-guided ground movement map for Germany
A digital map shows movements on the surface of the earth down to the millimeter
CoolFarmTool space – satellite technology for sustainable agriculture
In the future, an online platform will analyse satellite data so that farmers can cultivate their fields more sustainably
Smart District Data Infrastructure - intelligent 3D city models
Smart three-dimensional models help big cities simulate future developments and come up with solutions
DYCLE – ecological diaper upcycling
A disposable item is to be used as top soil for fruit farming
DorfSchmiede Freienseen – multifunctional multigenerational house
Residents team up to build a multifaceted multigenerational house to revive their village
ARRIVO Berlin "simulation" workshops
An initiative makes asylum seekers and refugees in workshops fit for launching a career and refers them to companies
Multaka: meeting point museum - refugees as guides in Berlin museums
In museums, refugees from Syria and Iraq discover parallels between their old and new homes
Welcome Integration Network (WIN) service centre – alliance for employment
Alliance partners have established a service centre that supports companies' integration of refugees
False hare – food made from insects
A 3D printer puts insect meat in a form that makes it look and taste good
Bee sauna – fighting pests with heat
Beekeepers have partnered to save their bees from harmful mites using heat
Design to business – networking creative business and small- and medium-sized companies
A platform enables small- and medium-sized businesses to get uncomplicated support from creative people
Educational platform The DO School
A global educational platform networks young social entrepreneurs and helps them implement their ideas
RAA - Regional Centre for Democratic Culture West Mecklenburg
With further education and training, networks, and support, an association fights right-wing extremism in rural areas