QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Miniscule quantum sensor for new measurement methods

    Researchers develop a sensor small enough to test hard drives and measure brain waves

  • Neunkirchen Upcycling Centre

    Based on designs by design students, jobseekers and migrants manufacture good-as-new utensils and furniture from commercial waste

  • Userlane – Making software understable for everyone

    A navigation system makes it possible to use any kind of computer programme immediately without any prior knowledge

  • ‘Digitale Dörfer’ platform

    Digital services connect villagers to ensure quality of life in rural areas

  • rfrnz – Digital contract analysis for solicitors

    New analysis software makes it easier for lawyers to review contracts

  • Schaeffler OriginCheck App

    Customers can use a smartphone app to verify the authenticity of a brand manufacturer’s roller bearings

  • willpower energy™

    A technology company is developing a plant that lets consumers produce and store methanol as an fuel themselves

  • Multi-material printer AIM3D

    A new 3-D multi-material printer overcomes material limits and thus reduces production costs

  • Smart Service Power – Technology platform for home care

    An intelligent technology platform supports at-home care


    Students volunteer to accompany senior citizens with small pensions and disabilities to cultural events

  • Privalino – Safe chatting for children

    A start-up app protects children from cyberbullying and online abuse

  • MULTI lift system

    A new lift system saves space and reduces waiting times for passengers

  • Hydro Solution water filtration method

    An inexpensive new filtration method empowers people in Africa to produce their own drinking water

  • WoodShirts – T-shirts made of wood

    A start-up uses wood fibres to produce T-shirts that are soft, tear-resistant, and environmentally friendly

  • 3-D scanners for seeing-eye industrial robots

    Using a 3D scanner based on light field technology, robots may soon be able to see better than humans

  • CorrelAid – Data analysis for the greater good

    Volunteer data analysts help social organisations use data analysis for their goals

  • QuartrBack – intelligent help for dementia patients

    An intelligent emergency chain enables dementia patients to continue living in their familiar surroundings

  • Learning factory for global production

    A training centre prepares employees and students for globally connected production

  • Organic aniline – plant-based chemical

    Thanks to a new process, carbon for aniline production can be obtained from biomass

  • Kinemic gesture control

    Gesture control allows users to automatically retrieve information without the need for a keyboard or control buttons.
