QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Kinderheldin – Digital midwife services

    A start-up provides advice on pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding via chat and phone

  • DICTUM – Digital communication aid for non-German-speaking patients

    A digital communication tool helps doctors provide better treatment to patients who don’t speak German

  • WindNODE – Showcase for intelligent energy from north-eastern Germany

    A region serves as a laboratory for testing flexible solutions for managing power consumption

  • Underwater pumped-storage power station

    Deep-sea energy storage allows large quantities of electricity to be stored in an eco- friendly way

  • A fair computer mouse made of biomaterial

    Researchers have developed a sustainable, sugar cane-based bioplastic for the casing of a computer mouse

  • oncampus.de/integration learning platform

    An internet platform empowers refugees to continue their education and prepare for a degree

  • 150 years of Neuerkerode – An inclusive village

    A place becomes a beacon for inclusion in all areas of life

  • Miniscule quantum sensor for new measurement methods

    Researchers develop a sensor small enough to test hard drives and measure brain waves

  • Marktschwärmer internet platform for regionally grown food

    An online shop lets consumers buy directly from the producer and pick up the produce later at the market

  • Neunkirchen Upcycling Centre

    Based on designs by design students, jobseekers and migrants manufacture good-as-new utensils and furniture from commercial waste

  • XenoGlue – biocompatible adhesive for medicine

    Using intestinal bacteria, researchers have developed a paste that binds bones together

  • ‘Digitale Dörfer’ platform

    Digital services connect villagers to ensure quality of life in rural areas

  • Lumenaza – digital marketplace for regional electricity

    A software platform connects regional energy producers and consumers in a digital marketplace

  • Klexikon.de – Online encyclopedia for children

    Volunteer authors are creating the first free internet encyclopaedia for children in easy-to-understand language

  • Privalino – Safe chatting for children

    A start-up app protects children from cyberbullying and online abuse

  • StackFuel online data analysis training

    This start-up’s interactive online tutorials turn employees into data specialists

  • Journeyman

    A start-up provides craftsmen with short-term jobs abroad and supports them in their preparations

  • 3-D scanners for seeing-eye industrial robots

    Using a 3D scanner based on light field technology, robots may soon be able to see better than humans

  • CorrelAid – Data analysis for the greater good

    Volunteer data analysts help social organisations use data analysis for their goals

  • #goinclusive

    An initiative supports companies and institutions in creating barrier-free offers
