QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Voicing complaints – citizens for their city

    Citizens support the municipal administration via app

  • Efficient design for photovoltaics

    Photovoltaic units become aesthetic design elements of tomorrow's cityscape

  • Grandhotel Cosmopolis

    Ein ehemaliges Pflegeheim wird Unterkunft für Flüchtlinge und Anziehungspunkt für Bürger und Touristen

  • SAMOCCA – integrative café

    In a café that roasts its own coffee, handicapped people serve guests

  • UR:BAN – user-friendly assistance systems and network management

    Novel technologies support drivers in the city

  • Children's biennial – experiencing home

    In an event series, schoolchildren discover their home city by engaging in creative projects

  • Leutkircher Bürgerbahnhof - paving the way for the future

    Committed citizens rescue a historic railway building

  • Living Lab "Fraunhofer electromobility"

    Scientists develop an intelligent power network for electric vehicle fleets

  • 100ee regions: independent energy supply

    An initiative helps cities and their surrounding areas supply up to 100 per cent renewable energies

  • Jena welcome service

    A municipal service arouses skilled workers’ enthusiasm for Jena and offers job prospects there

  • AxiTop® diffuser for noise control

    A new development reduces the volume of industrial air-conditioning systems

  • Remote-controlled quadrocopter with sensors

    Remote-controlled mini helicopters support rescue forces in disaster operations

  • "Talking Places" virtual sightseeing walk

    A new technology turns a city sightseeing walk into a virtual feast for the eyes

  • Creativhof Grenzallee

    A creative centre breathes new life into a former barracks grounds and encourages cultural and social interaction

  • Mobia - staying mobile in old age

    Mobility pilots make it easier for senior citizens and the disabled to ride buses, trams, and trains

  • EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr

    A business-science network develops new logistics concepts for the Smart City

  • ZAwheel – clean and quiet electric buses

    With a new drive technology, electric buses cross inner cities economically, quietly, and cleanly

  • zemisec – electromobile goods traffic

    Electric trucks make goods movement in the city of tomorrow quiet and emission free

  • Ruhr Region Pixel Project

    A virtual album publishes photos of a region focusing on its cultural transformation

  • Stralsund 2052

    Bürger und gesellschaftliche Akteure entwickeln Ideen für den Klimaschutz
