QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Medicine par excellence – mentors for budding country doctors

    Country doctor mentors fuel students’ enthusiasm for the medical profession far from cities

  • Green Workshop Wendland

    In creative workshops, an initiative kindles the interest of young talent to work in the country

  • Discovery tours at a world heritage site

    A forestry graduate offers tours of natural and cultural landscapes in the Harz region

  • An artists' village as power plant

    Artists are developing aesthetic models for energy production that are fuelling debate about green electricity in the country

  • EGON – business start-up offensive in Niedereschach

    With a volunteer mentoring program, a municipality supports start-ups, thus promoting the local economy

  • Country youth Klimawald Schleswig-Holstein

    Young people collect donations to plant a new forest area in the country

  • KombiBus – transport service for Uckermark

    A bus company brings people and goods to their destination and puts rural supplies in the fast lane

  • Optimized biocoal from agricultural residues

    Researchers are developing a method of fertilizing fields with fermentation residue from biogas manufacture

  • EINS+ALLES Field of Experience for the Senses, Welzheim

    In a sensory nature discovery park, people with disabilities encounter people seeking recuperation on an equal footing

  • CLAAS-Telekom industry 4.0 in agriculture

    Mobile radio and sensor technology make farmers' work easier

  • Standardized communication with the M2M Teledesk

    Agricultural equipment used on farms and in fields is coordinated via a central platform by mobile radio

  • entia - good things that smile

    An online shop has created a sales platform that can be used by workshops for people with disabilities throughout Germany

  • NUR-HOLZ – solid wood elements for ecological building

    A new solid wood system enables buildings to be erected without glue and metal, using wood from local forests

  • acs – competence centre for cost efficient production

    Suppliers, higher education institutions, and municipalities in the country jointly promote the development of innovative car parts

  • GemüseAckerdemie

    An extracurricular educational program imparts integrated knowledge about farming and healthy nutrition

  • Ideas workshop for the future of the villages of Flegessen, Hasperde, and Klein Süntel

    With joint projects and a great deal of initiative, three villages make themselves fit for the future

  • NETZ-E-2-R: interconnected mobility for the Stuttgart region

    A new system for lending e-bikes gives daily commuters flexibility and an environment-friendly mobility option

  • SmartRegion Pellworm

    The first intelligent electricity network enables residents to use renewable energy where it is generated – locally

  • “Grünlandzentrum” central network

    An association brings together people who have various interests regarding usage of grassland

  • Telemonitoring for artificial heart patients

    With the help of electronically transferred data, doctors monitor patient aftercare from afar
