QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • MIA - Girls Engineering Academy Gifhorn

    A foundation enables female pupils to build their own greenhouses and thus teaches them engineering skills

  • Research cooperation futureTEX

    A large-scale research cooperation intends to strengthen the competitiveness of the East German textile industry

  • Welcome Integration Network (WIN) service centre – alliance for employment

    Alliance partners have established a service centre that supports companies' integration of refugees

  • False hare – food made from insects

    A 3D printer puts insect meat in a form that makes it look and taste good

  • thüringen-hilft.de – platform for supporters and people seeking help

    An online portal bundles information and offers for helpers and people in need of a help in a German state

  • witelo – network of scientific-technical places of learning in Jena

    An initiative interlinks the offers of extacurricular learning centres to arouse a greater interest in technology

  • Design to business – networking creative business and small- and medium-sized companies

    A platform enables small- and medium-sized businesses to get uncomplicated support from creative people

  • RAA - Regional Centre for Democratic Culture West Mecklenburg

    With further education and training, networks, and support, an association fights right-wing extremism in rural areas

  • Jänschwalde – greening of open-cast mine areas

    Along with local farmers, a company greens former coalmines with plants from the region

  • Neighbourhood platform Offenbach Loves You

    A website promotes a municipality with authentic stories and pictures from the neighbourhood

  • Master instruments for children

    Craftspeople build musical instruments for young up-and-coming musicians

  • Banda Internationale – integration through music

    A band plays music with refugees to promote integration and enrich the local cultural scene

  • EcoTrain – sustainable drive and energy management

    Together with local partners from business and science, Deutsche Bahn is developing an industrialised hybrid unit for rail vehicles

  • Stepping stone to the future – sports & career

    An initiative helps German athletes build a career after they retire

  • enera – decentralized energy provision in a practical test

    With the help of intelligent technologies, the energy system of a model region is being made fit for the future

  • Boxmate – more security for IT systems

    A software ensures greater security by controlling apps' and programmes' access to data  

  • Greenhouse data for urban space: LowCarbonCityLab (LoCal)

    With a 3D map researchers make greenhouse gas emissions in cities visible
