Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Sustainability guides for school, family, and youth
Young people from socially disadvantaged families advocate the environment as sustainability guides
Knowledge Workshop Saarbrücken: experience technology - grasp technology
Children and young people of various origins discover their technical talent in a learning workshop
Kulturschlüssel Saar – initiative for barrier-free cultural pleasure
A cultural programme enables handicapped people to experience events live and for free
Research project C³ – Carbon Concrete Composite
A research project intends to make Germany the market leader in the building material carbon concrete
Startup Teens – an online platform for young entrepreneurs
An online initiative brings together young people and entrepreneurs, who prepare the former for their own start-ups
Quinoa – donation-financed private school
A private school financed by donations helps young people launch careers after they finish school
Little hearts - crisis network for severely ill children and their families
An expert network assists severely ill children and their families in crisis situations
Integration initiative "Saar business helps refugees"
Regional economic organizations jointly advertise for training and hiring of refugees
Hamburg Aviation Cluster
A cluster takes advantage of the proximity of numerous aviation players to push forward the location
Migration Hub – coworking space for refugee helpers
A start-up networks local refugee aid initiatives and gives them space to work under one roof
Refugees cook for homeless people
Together with volunteers and companies, refugees cook their own recipes for homeless people
Future city Lüneburg
Students, administration, and students team up to shape the future of their city
Smartsand – high-quality building sand from flue ash
A start-up protects the environment doubly by converting a waste product into a high-quality building material
Silicon Saxony – the Saxon microelectronics and ICT network
An association is networking the Saxon ICT industry and lobbying for high-tech solutions
Life Sciences Cluster Northwest – network for diagnostics innovations
Medical researchers and developers bundle their know-how to push forward their region with new solutions
Kipepeo – social and fair clothing from Tanzania
A German social enterprise produces fair clothing together with people from Africa
Robotics for SME network
A cross-industry network pushes forward the use of robotics solutions in small and medium-sized businesses
Wendelstein 7-X: fusion research for the power plant of the future
Researchers are working on a power plant in which hydrogen plasma fusion will produce clean energy
Oskar telephone help line – assistance for critically ill children and their families
A Germany-wide round-the-clock telephone help line is available to severely ill children and their families
Regionalwert AG Hamburg – value added cooperation for food
Via a stock company citizens invest in businesses and food from their region