Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Social-Bee integration services
A fledgling social temp agency helps refugees enter the job market in Germany
World Future Lab multimedia sustainability game
In a walk-in, interactive game, teams save the global climate and learn to protect the environment
GlobalMatch – Search portal for international project partners
An online portal for finding tandem partners worldwide to put shared ideas into action
Robot assistant: German Bionic CRAY X
A technical system helps people lift heavy loads, and prevents back strain
Thriving Green – Spirulina farming in East Africa
To combat hunger, students in Kenya are building algae farms and training local people in their cultivation
Regional Network HanseBelt
Companies form a network to combat the shortage of skilled workers in their region
ACHAVA Festival Thuringia
A festival promotes understanding between different cultures and religions
College Curries
A start-up distributes spice blends produced by Indian women and helps to finance their children’s higher education
FASE – Financing Agency for Social Entrepreneurship
A financing agency arranges the perfect match between social enterprises and investors
ParkHere intelligent parking lot sensor
An energy-independent sensor simplifies the search for a parking space, thereby reducing urban traffic
Demantec – Innovative technologies in nursing homes
A research project develops and tests technological assistance systems to improve the quality of life of dementia patients
Heyfair – Rethinking hygiene
A new disinfectant prevents infections by improving hygiene in hospitals
My recycling app
An online platform gives waste disposal companies and businesses a way to organise their recycling processes digitally
EinDollarBrille social enterprise
An association has developed a complete solution for establishing basic optical care in developing countries
- learning platform
An internet platform empowers refugees to continue their education and prepare for a degree
Userlane – Making software understable for everyone
A navigation system makes it possible to use any kind of computer programme immediately without any prior knowledge
Entern – autonomous robots for planetary exploration
Space robots that independently explore caves and craters on celestial bodies
rfrnz – Digital contract analysis for solicitors
New analysis software makes it easier for lawyers to review contracts
Schaeffler OriginCheck App
Customers can use a smartphone app to verify the authenticity of a brand manufacturer’s roller bearings
Students volunteer to accompany senior citizens with small pensions and disabilities to cultural events